Tuesday, June 14, 2011

March 7, 2011 HOLAA!!!

Wow. What a week I had this week. Seriously I don`t know if i`ve ever had a crazier week in my life.
First. Last monday We had our p day like regular but when we got home in the night time our ward mission leader called to tell us that our Bishop just died. It was very sad. i ddin`t believe it for a while, but then finally accepted it. Tuesday we had a lot of appointments and had to cancel a bunch to go to his Funeral which was tuesday night. It was a very sad and special moment for me. His son directed and asked me and Elder Blair to sing Be still my soul with him. It was great, really spiritual. he was an amazing Bishop, i`m going to miss him a lot. So the ward was in a crazy havock for about a week, Because my bishop was bishop for about 9 years, and everyone loved him. So it was really sad and hard to see him go. Wednesday we had an amazing talk with one of our investigators Anayeli and she pretty much told us that she wants to get baptized, the only problem is that she isn`t married to her husband, so we have to marry them first then Baptize them. But she`s really amazing, We have a memeber that lives right by her house thats helping us with her. It`s great. Hopefully we`ll start teaching her family too. She has like 10 brothers and sisters and her parents. the 12 more potential baptisms!! yeah!!!
Thursday we had another amazing lesson with Esther and she told us that she wants to get baptized! We have a date for this next Friday!!! WE also met with Victor and he came to church yesterday which means that he`s also getting baptized this friday!!!!! i`m super super excited! yeah! We pretty much ran from appointment to appointment all week. it was crazy, but we enjoyed it quite alot. Then Saturday night came and we were waiting to hear about changes, I had a feeling that I was going to get changed becasue I have 3 changes in this area. So the call came, the ZL`s told me there`s bad news. then told me that Elder Blair is leaving!!! MY SON IS LEAVING! well now he`s gone. it`s sad. We only had one change together. But it was awesome fun. But now i`m with my new companion, Elder Walker! He`s great. He`s only got a year on the mission, but he is a hard worker! i`m very excited!! yeah! So that was the main points of my week. There was a lot more too but I really can`t write it all. And finally I have photos!! yeah!! You all finally get to know the awesome ALEXIA!
I also went to the zoo this last week so i`m sending a few of those pictures too!
They had cool waterfalls, it wasn`t much of a zoo. But the monkeys were cool! you could touch them. kind of. I don`t think you were supposed too. haha

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