Monday, June 13, 2011

December 20, 2010 Oh what a glorious time of the year!!! and BAPTISM!

What a great week it has been. it was kind of crazy and we had a lot of stuff to do. Including our Zone Christmas Party!! it was actually 3 zones together. It was great! we went and ate good food then everyone bought a gift and we had a crazy gift exchange. I ended up with a really cool weird statue thing of a mexican guy with beans. it´s cool. i love it! then we had a really great spiriualy meeting. The president and his wife spoke and I did a musical number with my companion and a few other elders. Then we had a testimony meeting. it was awesome! It got me very excited for Christmas.
Ontop of that we pretty much had a miracle this week. We´ve been teaching a Lady named Gabriella, almost all of her family are members. except her parents, but they live in another state so yeah. her husband and grandma and yeah pretty much everyone are members. He cousin just got back from a mission like 4ish months ago and he started bringing her to church and yeah so she got interested. Then we started teaching her and she was even more interested. When it came time for baptizm she said that she wanted to talk with her parents about it first. Which is reasonable, but lame because she´s like 27ish. so she should make her own decisions. And talking to her parents turned into She´s going to Guerrero (another state) on the 22nd for a week or two. and we couldn´t have that without her being baptized. Cause she is ready now. So we had a great talk and used the scriptures a lot! and after about 10 minutes of almost silence and just waiting she finally said ok. And we baptized her the next day!!! :D it was great! an awesome experience and very spiritual. It makes me happy when We have investigators that aren´t scared of what their family thinks and make decisions for their selves. it always makes me happy. We have another Investigator who is all set up to be baptized thursday! She is pumped. She´s probably the most excited person ever, she´s in the book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon and reads a lot. She is really awesome and super ready for baptizm. her kids are a little less. One has been to church once, the other twice (the son) We taught the son everything and the only thing he really lacks is the desire to get baptized, cause he doesn´t have it yet. he understands everything pretty well and I believe has stopped smoking and drinking. I hope. We´re goign to ask again next visit. and if everything goes ´miraculously, we´ll baptize him too! But only if he wants too.
Well with the christmas spirit in the Air, there is a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel! I challenge each and everyone of you that reads my emails to Share the gospel with someone that you think is ready, or needs to hear it right now! The light of Christ is stronger at this time of the year than any other. people are much more receptive and are more willing to listen about messages of Christ and his church than any other time of the year! so that is my challenge to everyone. Talk to your friends, co-workers, family, or a random stranger about the gospel, and if possible, see if they want a message fromt he missionaries! Because they need as much help as possible. I love Mexico! and I love All of you! and most improtantly, I love my Savior Jesus Christ!
Elder Summers
p.s. I taught a lady this week named Santa. true story. I wanted to know if her last name was either Clause, or Biblia. Either would be awesome.

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