Monday, June 13, 2011

January 10, 2011 The TEMPLE!!

What a week it has been. We had a slower week, we had a lot of people cancel on us or just not be there and really didn`t find many new investigators. But it was still a great week! WE started teaching the boyfriend, Freddy, of one of our investigators, Lucia, and he`s really cool! He has a ton of questions and when we teach him he really listens and pays attention. I believe we`re going to teach him again on tuesday or wednesday! We also had a little problem with one of our investigators, lets just say he had a fun new year and then dissapeared to Mexico City for a few days. It scared us a bit... but we went to go talk to his wife and he was back. which is great! so hopefully we can get them married this or next week and baptize him before my companion goes home. That would be great! haha
To top off my week! I went to the temple!! :) It was really really great! one of my companions converts got married and sealed to her husband! it was such a spiritual and amazing opportunity! We took a bus to Mexico city and then a city to the temple. that city is seriously huge. Like. ridiculously giant. haha I can`t even explain it. I`ll be sending lots of pictures of the temple! because it`s amazing! and huge! I believe it`s one of the 5 biggest in the world. wow. We got to go in and see them get sealed. It was wonderful! haha I wish we could have stayed all day and did more, but we had to go, but it was all ok! haha afterward one of the people with us gave me their camera and told me to take pictures, I got some pretty good ones. They called me professional. haha it was fun. I really really enjoyed it!
We went to the Visitors center there too! They had a great statue of Christ, Pictures depicting the entire book of Mormon, and a small Mexican Pioneer Museum. it was pretty cool! I`ll send pictures of all of this!
Also this week, we had another holiday here in Mexico, El Dia de los Reyes Magos! or day of the wise men. they celebrate when the wise men brought Jesus the baby presents, and because they did, they bring all the kids presents here too!!! haha it is kind of a weird holdiay, but I like it! It has pretty much 0 apostacy, and it takes a lot of the presents out of christmas and more of Christ. It`s great! I approve. haha and for this holiday they have a big circular bread called La Rosca, and they hide tiny little dolls in it when they bake it, and when you cut your piece you try not to get a doll, and if you do you have to bring Tamales to the next holiday, 2nd of February, (a holiday for a Virgin). it`s funny. I got one, My companion too. But we`re not bringing Tamalies. Because we don`t celebrate Virgin Holidays... haha
Well I believe thats about all, we have some pretty cool investigators right now, and some pretty lame ones. We stopped off to pick up a lady and bring her to church, at 7:30 in the morning! (which means we left the house at 6:45. Aaannnddd, she was still sleeping and didn`t come. it was pretty lame... we`re going to planch her this week. huh. yeah, church is difficult at 8 in the morning. WE only had 1 investigator. it was sad. But the Boyfriend of the Bishops daughter came, and he`s not a member, so I think we`re gonna start teaching him soon! he seems pretty cool.
Yeah well Thats about it! I love you all and Pray for you each and every day!
Elder Summers

The temple! And The Mexican MTC!!! Pretty cool huh? it`s really small... haha
Also. I found THE GOLD PLATES!! cool huh? i`m a pretty great missionary, just for that... mwahahaha.

oh also! for fun today. WE went ICE SKATING!! believe it. Ice skating, in an OUTDOOR rink in the middle of mexico. yup.

The pictures of the Book of Mormon, Temple visitors center.
More of the Temple!
A rodeo! yes... a mexican rodeo! haha I think it lasted for like 3 days... i heard loud speakers and music every night for the past little while... haha
A really cool flower i took a picture of. At the pyramids we went to. it was growing from a tree that i called the jello tree, cause it moved like jello. haha

The Pyramid!! I don`t remember the name... it was really weird. But it was pretty cool! not as cool as Xochicalco... which is huge and has like 20 or 30 pyramids. this one had 2 big ones and 4 or 5 really small ones.

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