Tuesday, June 14, 2011

February 7, 2011 HOLA Familia!

Well hello everyone! How are you all? good I hope. I`m fantastic!!
This week was a pretty good week! WE had a mission wide meeting for the leaders of the mission and because i`m a trainer I got to go! It was fantastic! 4 days of talks from the president and his wife and the assistents! It really was fantasticf! and also because it was mission wide we had elders from the 2 other states that our mission covers, Guerrero, and Michoacan. come to Cuernavaca and had to stay, we had the Zone Leaders from the area of Guacamayas, in Michoacan stay with us. They are awesome! It was a fantastic time! and since the conference was only in the mornings we did splits with these elders for the rest of the day. I was with Elder Ochoa. He is quite amissionary. seriously. he`s actually the number 1 baptizer in the mission. though he seriously is a fantastic missionary. He knows preach my gospel inside and out. it was an awesome experience to learn from someone with so much experience, and it was different being with a mexican, just cause i`ve always been with Americans.
But all in all it was really a fantastic week! I learned a lot and it`s really helping me with everyhing with Elder Blair, my kid, and everything! We taught a lot this week. WE found about 16 new people to teach. Though most of them aren`t super cool, but still it was a solid week. hopefully this next week we will see the baptizm of Avi!! im excited for this! really really, because i`ve been teaching her for a long time and it`s just about time that she finally takes this step! she`s really cool though so yeah.
So becasuse I went to this conference all week we had to find a companion everyday for my companion so we just asked ward members, one was a recent returned missionary, he is way cool, another one is just a joven, young man, and the other 2 were older men, but one didn`t show up so we ended up calling Liborio, my recent convert, and he went out with him! it was awesome! he was so pumped to do missionary work! Then the 4th was a member of the high council, he was really cool. I love my ward! it`s seriously so awesome! haha I`m thinking pretty much one of the best wards in the mission, almost without a doubt.
Well thats about it for this week. Weve been working really hard and are ready to see some miracles happen in our area. Which i`m sure they`re going to! but yes, i`m very very excited! I love you all so much and am super greatful for everything you all do for me, for your prayers, letters, and love.
Love always
Elder Summers

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