Tuesday, June 14, 2011

April 25, 2011 Hola!! Cuatlixco!

Well hello everyone!!! Sadly I only have like 5 minutes to write this letter, so it`s going to be really short.
First, my area is called Cuatlixco. It`s a Ward of about 100 actives in a little pueblo. It`s really great. My area is tiny, but I really like it. It`s got that small town, everyone knows everyone, feel so it`s great meeting investigators and finding out that their brother or cousin are members! haha This next week we have programmed 2 baptizms. the first is the Hermana Elizabet. She has been waiting for almost a year to get baptized but isn`t married. But thursday were going with her and getting her married!!! wooot!! sadly marriage is a really big problem here. No ones married. But thus it goes here. We also have another teenager who is just great who also has a baptism date for this week. HOpefully if all goes well we`ll see 2 this week and have a few otehrs for the month. The work here is great! The people are a lot happier and more accepting than in Cuernavaca. It does get a lot hotter here though. Not super hot. Very dry, but somedays the sun is just killer. But we are usually inside teaching or with members, so its all ok!
Elder Lara is awesome!! I`m really enjoying my time with him. He only has 3 months in the mission, but teaches like he has a year. haha We really get along well and are very obedient. Quite possible the most obedient i`ve been on my mission, and thats PRETTY OBEDIENT. haha But everything is going great. We`re looking for some members to lend us bikes, becasue our President said we can use them in this area. it`s small, but bikes would be SUPER convenient.
MOM AND DAD! I never got a response to my email that i sent 2 weeks ago about my birthday present. I`m just curious if thats a possibility. Gracias :)
Today our zone and the other zone here in Cuautla got together and played soccer and basketball. There are not 6 of the 11 elders in my generation here!! (were with me in the MTC) it`s so great to see them. haha we`ve had a great time together.
Today is my first district meeting as district leader! I^m very excited. I have a feeling it`s going to be very good!
Well i`ve got to go!
I love you all and am so greatefull for you prayers!
Elder Summers
p.s. it`s weird to not speak english for a week.... haha

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