Monday, December 13, 2010

Thanksgiving in Mexico!

What a week. what a week. What a great week!!! Things really have started to move along here in Cuernavaca! Our first week was rough. We had very few investigators and spent a lot of time contacting, but little by little we got a lot of references and visited a lot of cool people and now we have around 13 investigators!!! WE had 5 in church this sunday. it was great!! We have a Baptism planned for this saturday, a lady named Eugenia. She`s really great. I´m pretty pumped to baptize her!! I`ll send pictures. I swear. I just have really bad luck and never find computers that work with memory cards or anything. it`s really really annoying. But i´ve got a lot of picutres to send when I do.
We have around 8 people with a baptismal date. This week we found, or rather they found us, a family of 3. They are awesome! Pretty sure they`re going to get baptized. They all 3 came to church on sunday, they seemed to enjoy it a lot and are really good at keeping their commitements!! Yeah! We set a goal of baptizing 4 this month, which in Cuernavaca is a pretty high goal. But i´m sure we can do it. We have a few investigators that are really great.
So this week was thanksgiving, but they don`t celebrate it here, so elder Collins and I decided that we were going to eat turkey somehow. So we looked for turkey all day! But no one had any, lame. So that night we went to an OXXO, (like a 7,11) And bought turkey sandwiches and ate them. It was great! haha So yes, that was my turkey. We gave thanks to a few people and ate turkey sandwiches.
This Week starts december!! woott!!"!! i´m super pumped for christmas. But It doesn´t quite feel like christmas yet. Cause there´s no snow. lame. And very little christmas music. double lame. So i want christmas music. and every type of music that is appropriate for a missionary. ok? ok.
Yup. Well i don´t have a lot more to say. We played football today as a zone, and soccer. But a lot of football, it wa spretty fun. Theres this prety nice turf field. It was fun! It´s still not cold here. My first few weeks were way cold! but it´s warm again.... I want it to be cold. huh.. but thus is mexico. Yup. Well I love you all sooooo much and am so greatful for everything you do for me!!
Elder Summers

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